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Hannah and Matt's Chicheley Hall Wedding

Oh what can I say about Hannah and Matt? They're kind of like the best kind of chalk and cheese you'll ever meet. She's the most bubbly, talkative woman, like ever and Matt's this humble, calm dude and the two of them together just make one awesome couple.

They had their amazing wedding at Chicheley Hall on September 11th and despite the weather having been non stop rain the day before, it was sunny all day long. September 11th is a pretty emotional day, all day long the news played footage from 15 years ago and it was in the back of my mind the whole time. Hannah and Matt's day basically took a date in history that was filled with hurt and pain and anger and, for me, turned it into something beautiful.

From the minute I arrived at Hannah's house that morning to the minute I went home I felt like family, we laughed, we joked and we all watched two people take their first steps as husband and wife under the watchful eyes of their beautiful daughter Sophie, who smiled and laughed her way through the whole day.

Chicheley Hall was perfect for these two, with its mix of green grounds and outdoor spaces and its elegant, classic rooms and dramatic frontage it was the perfect backdrop to their day.

Hannah's Dad passed away before he got the chance to walk her down the aisle and though he wasn't physically there, you could feel his presence everywhere, in his friends and families conversations, in the jokes I could hear people telling about him as I walked around taking photos and during the speeches where everyone paid the most amazing tributes to him (which made me cry my eyes out obvs) the whole thing looked and felt like Hannah;s Dad.

It was one of those weddings where everywhere you looked people were laughing and joking and hugging, the kids were running around the sprawling grounds and the bride and groom were taking their first steps in their future together...

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